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Meeting was called to order at 10 AM in the Hampton Inn. Roll call was taken via a sign in sheet. Thirty three (33) owners were in attendance and fourteen (14) proxies were recorded for a total of forty seven (47) units being represented. A quorum was declared.

Motion was made, seconded that the minutes of the annual meeting held on 5/12/01 be approved as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

1. Account balances:
a. Checking - 2,506
b. Savings - 60,260
c. A/R - 3,813
2. IRS Resolution for excess operating funds. Motion was made, seconded to approve a resolution designating any excess funds at the close of the year be transferred to the capital replacement account. Motion passed unanimously.


Buck introduced Matt Tilghman from Hanna, Kramer, and Tilghman, the insurance agency that represents Casa Del Sol. He reviewed the existing coverage and distributed a company handout (attached to minutes). Questions were answered from the audience.

1. Renovation – Frank Dean presented the Board of Director’s recommendation per letter to owners dated 4/30/02 (copy attached to minutes). He reviewed work since the last annual meeting and used actual photos to describe condition of 770 building. He stated that the Board anticipated renovating the 600 and 700 buildings over a three year period. The projected cost would be $12,000 per unit paid over the three years at $4,000 per year. Extensive discussion on subject:

Questions and answers covered the following:
• Competitive bidding – Sole source was being recommended on a time and materials basis based on the contractors knowledge of the building and the fact that he has completed the 770 building and several other units.
• Design, Specifications, Plans, etc. – An engineer has participated in the inspection of the buildings, but did not design repair options. Building permits were secured on the basis of repair plans submitted by the contractor and updates involving the building inspectors office.
• Windows and Doors – Recommendation includes replacement of all windows and doors on the North side, canal side. Allowances would be made for windows and doors that could be reused. Inspections would be made by the contractor.
• Safety Issues – Frank described how rotted the second floor balconies were on the 770 building. Assumption was that rot also existed in the other buildings.
• Additional Research – Frank stated that the Board had met with the engineer and the contractor on several occasions. Observed repairs in progress and felt that the work was needed and consequently recommended it.

Motion was made, seconded to accept the recommendation of the Board of Directors as stated. Vote was conducted via voice balloting. Since motion included a special assessment, 2/3 ‘s of the ownership must approve it. Thirty eight (38) yes votes would be required for passage. Motion received thirty six (36) yes votes and nine (9) no votes. Motion was defeated.

Buck stated that six units were ineligible to vote due to unpaid assessments. Questions were asked if they should be removed from total count of owners since they were ineligible. By laws state only that 2/3’s of the ownership be required for passage of a special assessment.

2. Crawl Spaces: Buck reported that the crawl space under 700 had been cleaned and wire around plumbing access areas had bee installed as a deterrent to raccoons. Same work will be completed on the 600 building.
3. Rules and Regulations – Copies were handed out for posting in the units. Buck urged everyone to provide him with information on their rental agents.
4. New Custodial Service – Diversified Maintenance owned by Mike Cluster

Ann Giannelli, Bonnie Heytens and Gene Miesse’s terms expire with todays meeting..
Buck reported that nominations for all three had been received via mail and that Bonnie had removed herself from the list. Nominated from the floor were Jack Heytens and Lou Napoli. Voting was conducted via written ballot.

Elected to new three year terms were: Ann Giannelli, Lou Napoli, and Gene Miesse.

Meeting adjourned at 12:30 PM.